As of the events node, its checked on input or cronjob. The msg.payload contains a list of upcoming events.
"Check every": how often the calendar is checked for new events
"Trigger": possible values:
- Always (Filter expression is ignored)
- Match (only events that match the Filter expression are processed)
- No Match (only events that don't match the Filter expression are processed)
"Filter property": possible values: - summary - description - attendee - category - start date - end date
if filterProperty is set to "start date" or "end date", additonally a filter operator is shown:
filter format for dates is YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:sss"Filter operator": possible values:
- between
- before
- after
"Filter": filter property of the events from above is filtered against this regular expression
"Name": Displayname
"Preview": Only Events within now and this future value are checked.
"Past view": Only Events within now and this past value are checked.
"timezone for output": default is UTC, so eventStart and eventEnd will be a UTC string
eventStart: "2021-07-05T03:50:00.000Z" eventEnd: "2021-07-05T04:30:00.000Z"
e.g. set timezone to Europe/Berlin
eventStart: "2021-07-05T05:50:00.000+02:00" eventEnd: "2021-07-05T06:30:00.000+02:00"
"Cron": Similar to "Check every", but much more configurable. It's a cron expression, how often the calendar is checked for new upcoming events. If Cron is defined, it wins against "Check every". Empty value to disable.
Additional msg properties are:
- msg.today - number of upcoming events today
- msg.tomorrow - number of upcoming events tomorrow
- msg.total - number of upcoming events totally
- msg.htmlTable - a html formated table of upcoming events
- msg.payload - arraylist of upcoming events
- date
- event
- rule
- summary
- id
- location
- eventStart
- eventEnd
- description
- allDay
- attendee
- isRecurring
- calendarName
- organizer
- categories
- duration