iCloud secure
For getting the iCloud secure URL you have two options: manually using cURL or automatically via kalender-events.
For both options you have to do the following:
Generate an app-specific password
Log into your Apple account at appleid.apple.com. Maybe you have to confirm your login by entering the two-factor identification code. As you're logged in, have a look for "Security" in the Apple ID control panel and click on "Generate Password".
Label the app-specific password whatever you want, e.g. "kalender-events" and click "Create".
Apple will provide you with a randomly generated alphanumeric string in the format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx. Highlight and copy the password and keep it somewhere safe.
use kalender-events
Next open a console. run this (replacing me@icloud.com with your own Apple ID and xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx with the app-specific password):
npx kalender-events-cli icloudurl --username me@icloud.com --password xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
the output will look like:
href: 'https://p51-caldav.icloud.com:443/123456789/calendars/',
list: [
name: 'Benjamin',
href: '/123456789/calendars/' },
name: 'Kalender',
href: '/123456789/calendars/005CEAF5-72EF-4D3B-B6F4-CB2575EC765C/'
name: 'Familie',
href: '/123456789/calendars/bef56e45-9bd0-4c66-8c61-faf5d00f2167/'
name: 'Familie',
href: '/123456789/calendars/e0b1aa5c-ff01-4c27-9706-e8f1e397dd11/'
{ name: 'Privat', href: '/123456789/calendars/home/' },
{ name: 'Erinnerungen', href: '/123456789/calendars/tasks/' },
{ name: 'Arbeit', href: '/123456789/calendars/work/' }
manual using cURL
Next open a console that can run cURL
run this (replacing me@icloud.com with your own Apple ID):
$ curl -s -X PROPFIND -u "me@icloud.com" -H "Depth: 0" --data "<propfind xmlns='DAV:'><prop><current-user-principal/></prop></propfind>" https://caldav.icloud.com/
When propmted for credentials, enter in the app-specific password
You should get a response and it shows you the URL of your account record. Something like https://caldav.icloud.com/347723822/principal/
Next run this (replacing your numeric ID)
$ curl -s -X PROPFIND -u "$APPLEID" -H "Depth: 0" --data "<propfind xmlns='DAV:' xmlns:cd='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav'><prop><cd:calendar-home-set/></prop></propfind>" https://caldav.icloud.com/347723822/principal/
This gives you the reference to the cluster the actual calendars lives on. Something like https://p22-caldav.icloud.com:443/347723822/calendars
You can list all the calendars from your icloud account by running (replacing with your output from above):
curl -s -X PROPFIND -u "$APPLEID" -H "Depth: 1" --data "<propfind xmlns='DAV:'><prop><displayname/></prop></propfind>" https://p42-caldav.icloud.com:443/347723822/calendars/ | grep displayname
then strip off the grep to show all info about each calendar:
curl -s -X PROPFIND -u "$APPLEID" -H "Depth: 1" --data "<propfind xmlns='DAV:'><prop><displayname/></prop></propfind>" https://p42-caldav.icloud.com:443/347723822/calendars/
You may need to up your history buffer depending on the number of calendars you have.
You are looking for the href value if the calendar you are after eg
Once you have this, put it together:
That's your calDAV URL 😁
Thanks to Andrew_Pawelski from the openHab Forum https://community.openhab.org/t/solved-apple-icloud-caldav-connection/32510/6, who wrote this tutorial.